Channel: Question and Answer » directed-acyclic-graph
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Why is “topological sorting” topological?

Why is “topological sorting” called “topological”? Is it just because it determines an order without altering any vertices or edges — like a doughnut and coffee cup are topologically equivalent? Why is...

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Realization of a bipolar orientation by a mixed graph

Given an undirected graph $G(V,E)$ and a bipolar orientation $s$ over $G$, consider the problem of identifying $s$ by finding the minimum number of edges such that when orienting them in a particular...

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Indexing structure for all-pairs min-cuts in a huge DAG

I have a huge DAG – e.g., the dependency graph of all packages in a linux distribution. Suppose I’d like to make a user-friendly tool that makes it very easy to understand how to break the transitive...

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K-path cover problem for a DAG

I am doing a little literature review and I was trying to know if, for a directed acyclic graph, the minimum k-path cover problem is solvable in polynomial time. A k-path cover is a set of paths with...

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An edge orientation procedure to generate all acyclic orientations of a graph

Consider the following scheme for enumerating acyclic digraphs (DAGs) by orienting the edges in an undirected graph $G$ with $n = ||V||$ vertices: (1) Generate all $n!$ possible permutations $p_i$ of...

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What does the contention-free communication assumption really mean in the...

In many papers about DAG (directed-acyclic graph) scheduling in distributed systems, the authors make the assumption that the communication between the processors of the system where the DAG is...

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Shortest path in DAG with path dependent arc costs

I’ve got the following problem Consider a DAG $G=(V,E)$ with $V=[v_1,…,v_n]$, and edge-set $E=[e_1,…,e_m]$, with associated costs $c_1,…,c_m$. The problem is to find the shortest paths from an initial...

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When does a graph admit an orientation in which there is at most one s-t walk?

Consider the following problem: Input: a simple (undirected) graph $G=(V,E)$. Question: Is there an orientation of $G$ satisfying the property that for every $s,t in V$ there is at most one (directed)...

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Longest path in a DAG that's not too long

The problem I am interested in is a simple variant of the longest path problem on DAGs: find a path between two chosen vertices in a DAG such that the sum of the weights of its constituent edges is...

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Reference for mixed graph acyclicity testing algorithm?

A mixed graph is a graph that may have both directed and undirected edges. Its underlying undirected graph is obtained by forgetting the orientations of the directed edges, and in the other direction...

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Is there a linear-time algorithm for max flow on dags

What is the fastest known algorithm for max flow on dags? Can there be a linear-time algorithm running in time $O(|V|+|E|)$? Input: a weighted dag $G=(V,E,w)$ where $E$ is given as an edge list $E$ and...

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Lexicographically minimal topological sort of a labeled DAG

Consider the problem where we are given as input a directed acyclic graph $G = (V, E)$, a labeling function $lambda$ from $V$ to some set $L$ with a total order $<_L$ (e.g., the integers), and where...

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Longest path in a DAG that's not too long

The problem I am interested in is a simple variant of the longest path problem on DAGs: find a path between two chosen vertices in a DAG such that the sum of the weights of its constituent edges is...

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